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App Market


The App Market solution and its Launch Control component are the basis of the entire ecosystem of operation of payment terminals with the open Android operating system.


The Android terminal allows you to run several applications simultaneously, which may or may not be interconnected.


Since the payment terminal requires high security, connecting it to the standard Google Play environment is impossible. However, thanks to our App Market, it is possible to securely upload, update and manage applications directly by the merchant or Acquirer.


At the same time, thanks to the Launch Control system, it is possible to so-called "close" some functions for operating the device and thereby simplify the work of the cashier during his daily work.


At the same time, thanks to the App Market, it is possible to add additional functions and applications online throughout the terminal's lifecycle. This guarantees a higher added value for our terminals compared to other manufacturers.


Launch Control is also used to manage different types of devices from one central location.

Launch Management

Launch Management is a central system where all applications are organised and provided to a specific group of users. The Acquirer or terminal network provider can choose which applications are freely available and which include unique business models.


In addition to managing all applications, manufacturers of a specific solution provider can manually manage all versions and upload them to the network of terminals, or the terminals automatically upload new versions themselves. Similar to how we know it from the use of mobile phones.

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